Monday, September 06, 2010


Sandra Schneiders skryf in haar boek oor The Revelatory Text, Interpreting the New Testament as Sacred Text, die volgende veelseggende opmerking oor bybelwetenskaplikes wat nie maar net “objektief” na die Nuwe Testament kan kyk nie, maar die krag daarvan moet kan ervaar en meemaak:

“Many biblical scholars regard this kind of engagement with the text as non-scholarly devotionalism. In fact, experiencing the text as text is as integral to the work of biblical interpretation as hearing a Mozart symphony played in concert is integral to the work of the music critic or as seeing Hamlet in the theater is to the work of the literary scholar. It is assuredly not the whole of the scholarly work, but unless the critic’s work begins in appreciation and ends in appropriation it remains peculiarly sterile and lifeless. I would question whether someone who has never felt the religious power of the gospel text, no matter how learned her or his biblical scholarship might be and regardless of whether she or he actually comes to share the Christian faith, is competent for New Testament research.”

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